Lake Travis Film Festival
The Lake Travis Film Festival (LTFF) is set to run from February 27, 2020 to March 1, 2020, and will feature film panel discussions, film screenings, and exciting social events. It is a film festival with an eye to showcasing  filmmakers around the globe with authenticity, vision, and purpose.

LTFF is bringing together filmmakers to celebrate their accomplishments in the beautiful Texas Hill Country for a star studded weekend in late February 2020. The area offers natural beauty and an abundance of visitor activities. There are many hotels and locations suited to the screenings, parties, and workshops that will accompany the event. LTFF will feature film panel discussions, member screenings, and parties leading up to our inaugural festival in February of 2020.
Intimate discussions, exhilarating after parties, and unparalleled access to some of the most exciting venues in the Lake Travis area will make this festival a destination for filmmakers and a cultural enhancement for our community. In addition to the juried slate, LTFF will offer a showcase for young filmmakers to screen their work. Their goal is to create a celebrated annual event, to screen films, educate, and bring together the film-loving community. They plan to include a yearly scholarship for area students interested in pursuing film studies.
For more info, visit http://www.laketravisfilmfestival.com/