Go Fish! A Virtual Fishing Derby
- Go fishing
- Take a photo of your catch
- Send in your photos for a chance at fabulous fishing related prizes!
Winners will be chosen in 3 categories
- Biggest Catch
- Smallest Catch
- Most Unique Catch
Do I need a fishing license?
If you are 16 and under, no license is required to fish in Texas, regardless of state residency. Licenses are required for everyone age 17 and older. Texas residents who were born before January 1, 1931 are also exempt from license requirements. No fishing license is required if fishing along the bank in Texas State Parks. Sunday June 6 is National Free Fishing Day! No license is required to fish at any age within the State of Texas. Visit Texas Parks and Wildlife for details on cost and locations for obtaining a fishing license.
Where can I fish?
There are several Texas State Parks in the area. A list of parks with available fishing can be found by clicking here. Be sure to call ahead to verify current fishing availability. Fishing is permitted in Lakeway City Park located at 502 Hurst Creek Road. Water levels vary depending on rainfall. Any public waterway or private property location is acceptable with permitted access. TakeMeFishing.org has a map of fishing locations. Click here to visit their website. Fishing in restricted areas and trespassing on private property is not acceptable and entries will be invalidated if acquired illegally. Entry fees apply at Texas State Parks, see Texas Parks and Wildlife for details.
Contest Submissions
1. Include a photo of yourself fishing with a time stamp.
2. Include a photo of your catch alongside a measuring tape or ruler with a time stamp.
3. Send the photos along with your name, age, and length of catch to events@lakeway-tx.gov by midnight June 6, 2021.
Contest Details
- Entries must be submitted by midnight on Sunday, June 6, 2021.
- Winners will be contacted via email Monday, June 7, 2021.
- Submitted photos may be used on City of Lakeway website and social media unless specifically requested to opt out.
- All eligible entries must be caught with a rod and reel.
- Contestants are responsible for providing their own fishing equipment.
- Winners must be able to pick up prizes at the Lakeway Activity Center, or live within The City of Lakeway to have prizes delivered. Prizes can not be mailed or delivered outside The City of Lakeway.
City of Lakeway is not responsible for any fines or other occurrences due to improper fishing, licensing, or locations. Please check with Texas Parks and Wildlife if you have questions or need clarification regarding all fishing regulations in Texas. Please fish responsibly and do not trespass or violate any Texas policy to compete in this event.