Project HOPE Art Exhibition and Awards Concert
Hill Country Galleria
Bee Cave TX

The Project HOPE Art Exhibition opens March 2 and runs through March during normal gallery opening hours. Students and military veterans have submitted Project Hope – themed artwork for display; The exhibit is an international artwork collaboration with the City of Paestum, Italy honoring soldiers in Texas’ 36th Infantry Division and Allies who fought to liberate Paestum and Southern Italy from the Nazi regime during World War II. Artwork from both students and military veterans focuses on hope, peace, freedom, brotherhood, and inclusion.
The Awards Concert Event takes place on March 31 beginning with an art reception in the BCAF gallery from 5:30-6:30 pm. The concert is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m. at the Hill Country Galleria Amphitheater in Bee Cave. The event includes an awards presentation to the student and veteran artist winners and a concert by award-winning singer-songwriter Tish Hinojosa. Rising star Elle Townley will also perform. The event is free and open to the public.
The winners’ art will be exhibited in Paestum this summer and permanently integrated into a 30-foot memorial sculpture there designed by Italian artist Franco Palmentieri. The winners will attend the 80th anniversary of “Operation Avalanche” in September 2023 in Paestum to witness the dedication and unveiling of the sculpture.