Support Lakeway Artists at the 2019 Cool Arts Party!
Saturday March 9th 1-5pm The Lakeway Arts Committee is hosting its 5th annual Cool Arts Party. Since 2014, the event features live music and fine visual arts created by Lakeway-area artists. Art available includes paintings, jewelry and pottery. 1-5 p.m. Free to attend so we hope to see you there! Lakeway Activity Center,105 Cross Creek, Lakeway [map]512-261-1010 telephone
Join the Cool Arts Party on August 19th
Mark your calendar, Lakeway’s free Cool Arts Party is coming up on August 19th and will feature fine art paintings, jewelry, sculpture, and pottery created by area artists from 1-5 p.m. at Lakeway Activity Center, 105 Cross Creek. There is no fee for artists to display their works, but they must come to the Lakeway Activity Center to register their participation, provide their contact information, and obtain their display locations on a first-come basis. For information, call the Activity Center at 512-261-1010.
Showcase Your Art at the Lake Travis Community Library
Calling All Artists The Lake Travis Community Library and Friends of the Library sponsor an ongoing rotating art exhibit. Local artists interested in being a part of this program should pick up a packet containing the policy and application form at the library. Packets are now available and will be eligible to be considered for display in the upcoming months.
Calling All Lakeway Artists!
Regardless of what happens to the Lakeway Arts District proposal, we could still have an Arts District community here in Lakeway…online! If you are an artist and would be interested in having a free webpage showcasing your art on our Arts District website, please use the contact form and let us know. These pages will only be free for a limited time, so act soon and reserve yours. In the future, we will be adding a robust Arts Calendar to the site as well.